Thursday 8 January 2015

Traditions and Customs of the Holiday Season


In my family, Christmas is definitely the most celebrated holiday. Every year we try to do something different, but our day is mostly traditional. On the weeks leading up to Christmas, we always decorate the house with our fake tree, (although I prefer real ones) and place candles and lights and more, and also hope for snow!

On Christmas Eve, we go to our extended family's house. There's usually plenty of people there, and we all have one big feast that my cousin cooks and finish the night with typical family banter. When Christmas morning comes, the first thing we do is open our gifts, which is always a very enjoyable and often hilarious thing, thanks to gag gifts. My parents work and probably don't get home until noon so it's just me, my brothers and sister for a while. I help my sister cook her famous breakfast, which is one of my favorite things in the world. (I especially love breakfast food.) 

When my parents get home, they open their presents. Afterwards we usually play some video games; the list probably includes Goldeneye, Super Smash Bros, various shooting and sport games, and Mario Kart. Throughout the day, there will definitely be some sort of Christmas music playlist playing in the background. When dinner time comes, we all have my mom's mashed potatoes, salad, and roasted turkey usually while watching a movie and for the rest of the night, we all just sit around and enjoy each other's presence. Our Christmas is fairly simple but I don't think it really matters what you do, because when you're with your family or friends, the day is automatically superior.

Here is a delicious Rolled Sugar Cookie recipe from that we love!

The Best Rolled Sugar Cookies Recipe

Happy Holidays!

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