Friday, 9 January 2015

What's a Storyboard?

a sequence of drawings, typically with some directions and dialogue, representing the shots planned for a movie or television production.


Planning is an essential part of creating any type of short video or feature film. Story boards are the best way to plan your story because it saves time and effort when it comes to filming time.
A story board is often compared to a comic book because they are so similar. A storyboard is a graphic interpretation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot. It uses squares with notes to describe each scene and what is being said during each shot. This is what makes it comparable to a comic book.
There are several reasons many filmmakers create a story board before filming the scenes. The first is that it is the best way to share your vision. Using a visual aid allows everyone to see and understand what is being interpreted, and leaves out confusion. The second is that it makes production much easier. The storyboard is a visual guidelines so you know exactly what you need and don't. It saves time and effort and makes production much more smooth and efficient. Also the editors will have a much easier time as they know exactly what they are piecing together.
To create a story board is simple. With a piece of paper and a pencil, you can draw as many squares as you need for your video. In each square, draw or even sketch each scene. On the side, write what is being said what is going on in each scene. It is also a good idea to add small notes about angles and camera. Each square uses up each scene so that the entire video is being portrayed in a smooth manner. Once you are done, you may begin filming!

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